An Open Letter To Addiction

He goodbye letter to addiction realize that the struggle of getting out of the cocoon is exactly what it needed to be able to fly and live its new life as a butterfly. Piece by piece, stitching and gluing and fixing and tightening all the broken pieces of my life and heart, trying to put it back together.

I think you do deserve to be loved intimately, free from the weaknesses, games, and addictions of yourself, and others. You will take care of your body always nourishing it with healthy food and exercise.

we should all write a letter like this to ourselves

This is going to take you a minute to figure out. I know you don’t quite know why your life is the way it is or why you are using and drinking like you are. I know that you think if you just stop everything life will get better.

  • Writing a goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs is a good idea, but you might not know where to begin.
  • It’s been quite some time now since I left you and that grave; that was 5 years and some change ago.
  • For a while I was ugly — the ruined, broken, mismatched parts of me taking all the attention away from my true beauty.
  • Take the first step toward addiction treatment by contacting us today.
  • Your goodbye addiction letter might come in handy in the future.

You robbed me of my independence and freedom. When you first came into my, I believed that you would help me ease all the pain I was going through. I thought that my traumatic childhood experiences would disappear thanks to you. I also thought that you could ease many of the struggles of my present. This includes issues I have in my personal and professional life. I believed that the more I poured into you, the less I would have to worry about my other problems.

Learning Self-Love: A Love Letter to You

I can’t stand to look in the mirror now. The last time I did, I noticed my eyes. Staring into the glass, I began to understand.

Department for Medicaid Services – Cabinet for Health and Family … – Kentucky Cabinet for Health –

Department for Medicaid Services – Cabinet for Health and Family ….

Posted: Tue, 15 May 2018 15:43:44 GMT [source]

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